Bu çalışmalarda, Sındırgı yakınlarında tezahür eden Howlit mineralinin kimyasal bileşimi ortaya konmuş ve ayrıca dehidratasyonu da incelenmiştir. Dehidratasyon çalışmaları DTA ve x-ışınları analizleri ile de takib edilmiştir. Elde edilen kalsine ürünler, mikroskopik incelemelerle de detaylı bir şekilde etüd edilmiştir
In this paper Chemical composition, differential thcrmal analyscs and dehydration of nodular hoıolite mineral occuring around Sındırgı area are summ-arized. In addition, x - ray diffraction and microscopic studies are made on the above mentioned mineral.
Invcstigations rcvealed that hoıolite mineral converts into calcium borate through an ezothcrmic reaction at 850 - 900cC follouing complc- tion of dehydration. Another point of interest obscrvcd during the processes is that, boron - hydrates which are stable intermediate pro- duets are not formed during dehydration, contrary to the other boron minerals. This fact bccame ckar cspecially in x-ray studies