This monograph proposes two new logics for LP problems, namely i) choosing optimal active constraints and non-zero variables, ii) pro- duction of the adding constraint (CONAD). Direct Approach Method, Simplex Method, and Revised Simplex Method are modified based on these new logics.
The present modifications provide many advantages, such as the reductions of the computing time and size of dimension, no degeneracy troubles, and less possibility to meet unbounded and no - feasible Solutions.
A short historical brief survey of the solution methods, main fea- tures of advanced Computer codes of LP, and a variety of special topics in solution ways are also presented.
The proposed Direct Approach Method and Simplex Method have been demonstrated by several numerical examples. The similar demonstration can be made for the proposed Revised Simplex Method also.
Bu yayın 06.11.1981 tarihli ve 17506 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu’nun 4/c, 12/c, 42/c ve 42/d maddelerine dayalı 12/12/2019 tarih, 543 sayılı ve 05 numaralı Üniversite Senato Kararı ile hazırlanan Sakarya Üniversitesi Açık Bilim ve Açık Akademik Arşiv Yönergesi gereğince açık akademik arşiv sistemine açık erişim olarak yüklenmiştir.