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Abstract Art, (1)
ABSTRACT City administration in Turkey gained some impotance after 1950 's due to migrations from rural areas to urban areas. The problems of cities started to be the point of interest. Irrespective of the financial and managerial precautions that were taken, the Local Administrations were found to be unsuccessful. The public is seeking solutions to their problems in Ankara instead of their home town and the bureaucrats are chasing these peoples problems rather than looking into governmental issues. This brings the necessity to review the interrelations of local and central authorities in terms of effectiveness, democratic participation and job sharing. Administration at the origin gives more authority to municipalities in terms of allocation of resources between central and local authorities. It is unavoidable that the interrelation between local authorities and various divisions of central authorities effect the financial issues. In todays local administration system, to come up with administrative and financial proposals and allocation of resources would only be possible with an effective municipal budgeting. The managers of local administration can only be successful in solving the local peoples problems if they become entrepreneurs in terms of creating resources, budget their expenses and do a cost analysis of the services they are providing. vm (1)
ABSTRACT In existing comments it is difficult and takes time to find knowledge. In these comments, ver sus are not analaysed under certain titles. In order to overcome this difficulty, verses interpretation are analaysed under the titles of dictionary, grammer, fluency, relationship, brief meaning and detailed meaning.... etc. In this thesis, interpretation of versus between 106-123 in Bakara chapter is written by a new method. According to this method among the similiar views of commentators only the first view, and all different views are taken and all sources which we selected are showed in footnate. While choosing sources to use in this thesis, it is searched all important written comments which is important about its theme from Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) to today. These comments are searched chronologically. So evolution of interpretation of every verse is analaysed in history. It is hoped that this study will stimulate future works. (1)
Abuse, (1)
AB’ nin Balkan Politikası (1)
AB’nin Filistin politikası. (1)
Academic motivation. (1)
Academic Productivity (1)
Acaibül- mahlukat (1)
Acara Bölgesi, (1)