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60 numaralı huccet sicili (1)
699 numaralı Gence vilayeti tapu tahrir defteri (1)
73 fırka, (1)
A Grubu Seyahat Acentaları (1)
A handicap is a physical or mental or both physical and mental disability reducing or preventing normal achievement. When looked at how the rest of the world carry out the subject of educating and employing the disabled, it can be seen that organizations, the mast evident, The international working organization, The World Health Organization, establishments or associations such as the united nations and the laws in the country of these associations play a very importand role because these legal procedures have been put into practice in addition to this in Türkiye such as the regulations constituon, work laws, civil servents laws, social security law, Bag-Kur law, the retirement fund laws are being carefully looked into. From the point of view of winning the disabled into society and to make them productive rather than idle, they need to go through medical occupational rehabilititation in addition this the disabled that can be educated should be put into an education programme there fore it is very important to create employment opportunities for the disabled to be able to live independently. In this research ; in the province of Sakarya alone a research was carried out on the rehabilitation, education work opportunities on two hundred disableds, the result of the research ended in that the majority of the handicapped cowld be educated, there fore it is very important for the training of these citizens to start at once and also for measures to be taken for them to be employed under the law acts. X ftanKÖ?ÇflfM UJK) mEtiwwusvm meskezI (1)
A tipi kişilik (1)
A. Turan Oflazoğlu (1)
AB - Avrupa Birliği (1)
AB fonları (1)
AB genişlemesi (1)