The Joint International Symposium combining The 44th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE44) and Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems 2014 (IMS14) was organized to disseminate recent developments, significant technical applications, case studies and survey results in the areas of Information, Manufacturing and Service Systems and related areas. The Symposium was organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Sakarya University (Turkey) in Adile Sultan Palace, Istanbul, Turkey during October 14th to 16th, 2014. This special issue contains enhanced versions of selected papers from this conference, as well as others submitted by authors of papers falling within the same scope. All papers went through the double-blind review process followed by the journal.
The field of industrial engineering has been undergoing a great deal of transformation in its attempt to address real manufacturing, service, and societal issues. In so doing it has drawn upon new advances in technology and methodology, and has contributed to their development. Examples of new approaches included Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing. One important direction in industrial engineering research is the attempt to integrate the separate manufacturing, transportation and distribution components of real life systems, with due consideration of the risks involved, and the impact on the environmental and the society. The twenty papers included in this special issue aim to produce solutions to these problems, particularly as they pertain to supply chains. Some of the techniques applied in the papers included are fuzzy logic, bee colony algorithm, and cloud computing. It is hoped that these papers will inspire greater interest by researchers and practitioners in this field.