Bu tez, Tiirk Dil Kurumu Tiirkye Sozluk'linden hareketle Tiirk dilinin kavramdlinyasllll incelemeyi amay edinmi~ bir yall~madlf.Tezin giri~ kIsmmda dil, sozlUk, Tiirkye'nin sozlUkleri, Tiirk Dil Kurumu sozlUkleri,kavram ve kavram tasnifi hakkmda kIsa bilgiler verilmi~tir.Diger bol1imde Tiirk Dil Kurumu Tiirkye SozlUk'lindeki kelimeler dil ve killtiiraylsmdan onemli oldugunu dU~lindugUmUz 46 kavrama gore tasnif edilmi~tir. Bu tasnifneticesinde elde ettigimiz toplam 30.024 kelime de yaplID ozelliklerine goreincelenerek alfabetik olarak sllllflandlf11mI~tlf. Bu ~ekilde yaptIgIIDiz tezle Tiirkye'ninalfabetik olarak konulara gore tasnifi yapl1mI~ hacimli bir sozlUk yall~maslolu~mu~tur.Sonuy kIsmmda Ise Tiirk dilinin kavram dlinyasmm zenginligi ve bu kavramdlinyasmm ol~um ~artlan genel bir degedendirmeye tabi tutu1mu~tur.
This thesis is a work which aims to examine the concept word of Turkish languageaccording to the Turkish Dictionary ofTurkish Language Assaciation.In the entering part of the thesis short informations about the language, dictionary,thedictonaries of Turkish,Turkish Language Assaciations are given.In the other part . The words ill the Turkish dictionary of Turkish LanguageAssociation are classified according to forty six concepts which we think they areimportant for language and culture. 30.024(thirty thousands twenty four) words wichwe get hold of after a dictionary had been studying classification, are put in order asalphabetical after examining the features too construction.After that this thesis become a big work of Turkish Language which is classified asalphabetical.In the conclusion part the richness of Turkish language concept words formation areappreciated in general.