Bu gall~manm amaCI, Tiirkiye amatOr boks kuliiplerinin miisabaka davram~larmmkar~lla~tmlmasldrr .Bu amagla Tiirkiye Boks Federasyonu biinyesinde faaliyet gosteren amator boks kuliiplerininba~arl durumlarml tespit edebilmek igin 2006 Tiirkiye Amator Boks Miisabakaslincelenmi~tir. Miisabakalarm incelenmesi igin maglar video kameraya almm1~trr. Videokasetlerdeki maglar sporcularm yarl~ma teknikleri, vurduklarl ve yedikleri yumruk sayllarlrakamsal degerler olarak kaydedilmi~tir. Ortaya glkan bu rakamsal degerlerin ortalamalarl vedagllnnlarl bilgisayar ortammda SPSS for windows paket programl kullanllarak yapl1ID1~trr.Ara~trrma sonucunda sporcularm miisabakada atak agrrllkh miicadele ettikleri goriilmii~tiir.Boks sporunda kullamlan kontratak ve stopping tekniklerinin kullanlIDmm azdrr vemiisabakada sporcularm saldm amagh miicadele etmektedirler. Sporcunun yetenekleridogmltusunda atak, kontratak ve stopping tekniklerinden uygun olan bir ve/veya bir kagmmozel antrenman programlarmda yer almaslyla ba~arl diizeylerinin ileriye doniik olarakgeli~tirilmesi saglanmalldrr. Bireysel teknik geli~tirmeye yonelik antrenmanlarm sporcularmantrenman programlarmda yer almasl uzun vadede sporcular yeti~tirmemize olanaksaglayacaktrr.
Competition in today?s modern world is not only happen among the rivel companies,but also it happens among their supply chains. Therefore, it is very important for supplychains to be cost-effective, high quality and be able to response quickly. The companieswhich are the best at forecasting the demand, produce the best solution and give thebest price will survive in the chain and increase their shares in the market.In this thesis, we focused on the relationship between operational level and strategiclevel in supply chains. We also focus the supply chain design related with the bullwhipeffect, study and find if there are any advanteges for the supply chains.In implementation part, supply chain which makes innonative product production issimulated on bullwhip effect of push and pull system, and also the cost reduction ofdelay and inventory is showed in detail.Keywords: