Açık Akademik Arşiv Sistemi

Hanefi fıkıh geleneğinde bir kavram olarak canın korunması = The protection of life as a concept in Hanafi fiqh tradition

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dc.contributor.advisor Profesör Doktor Osman Güman
dc.date.accessioned 2023-06-19T11:42:25Z
dc.date.available 2023-06-19T11:42:25Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Sarıtemur, Emine. (2022). Hanefi fıkıh geleneğinde bir kavram olarak canın korunması = The protection of life as a concept in Hanafi fiqh tradition. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sakarya.
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12619/100805
dc.description 06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.
dc.description.abstract İslam Hukuku, mükelleflerin gerek bireysel, gerek toplumsal çerçevede karşılaştıkları problemlere şer'î açıdan çözüm getirirken dinin korumayı hedeflediği bazı gayeleri ve temel prensipleri göz önünde bulundurur. Fıkıhta şer'i hüküm çıkarmanın en bariz yöntemi olan içtihat da temelde şeriatın maksatlarından müstağni düşünülemez. Bu faaliyeti gerçekleştiren müçtehidler İslamın ilk dönemlerinden beri hukuki uygulamalarda edindikleri usûlde belli başlı birtakım gayeleri göz önünde bulundurmuşlar ve mükelleflerin maslahatlarını, bunun da üzerinde şeriatın maksatlarını gerçekleştirmeyi önemsemişlerdir. İslâm hukukunda Makâsıdu'ş-şerîa olarak literatüre giren bu alanda dinin korumayı hedeflediği gayeler istikra usûlüyle belirlenmiş ve bundan sonra fıkhî çözüm üretmede önemli bir rol üstlenmişlerdir. Makâsıd içinde korunması gereken zorunlu gayeler kapsamında değerlendirilen hıfzu'n-nefs yani canın korunması, pek çok fıkhi meselenin çözümünde temel alınan önemli bir ilke olmasına karşın, bu ilkenin müstakil bir şekilde araştırılması geri planda kalmıştır. Bununla birlikte gerek klasik fıkıh eserlerinde gerekse bugün yapılan güncel çalışmalarda canın korunması ilkesine dair sınırları belli bir tanımlama veya tarifin de yapılmadığını görüyoruz. Bu noktada belki de mezhepler çapında ayrı ayrı çalışmaların yapılması ve canın korunmasıyla ilgili mezhep görüşleri göz önünde bulundurularak farklı tanım önerilerinin sunulması gerekecektir. Bizim bu çalışmadaki amacımız Hanefî mezhebini esas alarak canın korunması prensibini kavramsal çerçevede araştırmak, bu prensibin fıkhi meselelerde edindiği yeri tespit etmek, benzer terim ve kavramlarla ilişkisini açıklığa kavuşturmak ve neticede Hanefî mezhebi özelinde canın korunması ilkesini tanımlamaya çalışmaktır. İki ana bölümden meydana gelen tezimizin birinci bölümünde hıfzu'n-nefs kavramının yerleşik bir yer edindiği makâsıd teorisini ve bu teori içinde hıfzu'n-nefsi değerlendirecek, ikinci bölümde ise bu kavramla birlikte klasik Hanefî fıkhında canın korunmasını karşılayan diğer kavramları fıkhi meseleler çerçevesinde değerlendirerek uygun bir tanıma ulaşamaya çalışacağız.
dc.description.abstract Islamic Law considers some aims and basic principles that religion aims to protect while solving the problems that people encounter both individually and socially. Ijtihad, which is the most obvious method of making shari'a judgments in fiqh, cannot be considered apart from the purposes of sharia. The mujtahids who have carried out this activity have taken into account certain aims in the method they have acquired in legal practices since the early periods of Islam, and they have given importance to realizing the interests of the people and above that the aims of the sharia. In this field, which entered the literature as Makâsıdu'sh-Sheria in Islamic law, the aims that religion aimed to protect were determined by the method of istikra and after that they played an important role in producing fiqh solutions. Although the hifzu'n-nafs, that is, the protection of life, which is considered within the scope of the obligatory purposes to be protected in the maqasid, has been the subject of many studies due to the widespread discussion of current medical issues in terms of Islamic law, researching the development process of this concept as a basic principle independently has remained incomplete. Based on the readings made in classical fiqh works, we see that a comprehensive definition has not yet been made about this important concept. At this point, perhaps it will be necessary to carry out separate studies across sects (Madhabs) and to present different definition proposals by considering the sectarian views of the concept of hifzu'n-nafs. Our aim in this study will be to investigate the principle of protection of life based on the Hanafi sect in the conceptual framework, to determine the place this principle has acquired in fiqh issues, to clarify its relationship with similar terms and concepts, and finally to try to draw the framework of the principle of protection of life in the Hanafi sect. In the first part of our thesis, which consists of two main parts, we will evaluate the theory of maqasid, in which the concept of hifzu'n-nafs has taken place and hifzu'n nefs within this theory; in the second part, we will try to reach a suitable definition by evaluating this concept and other concepts that meet the protection of life in classical Hanafi fiqh within the framework of fiqh issues Islamic Law considers some aims and basic principles that religion aims to protect while solving the problems that people encounter both individually and socially. Ijtihad, which is the most obvious method of making shari'a judgments in fiqh, cannot be considered apart from the purposes of sharia. The mujtahids who have carried out this activity have taken into account certain aims in the method they have acquired in legal practices since the early periods of Islam, and they have given importance to realizing the interests of the people and above that the aims of the sharia. In this field, which entered the literature as Makâsıdu'sh-Sheria in Islamic law, the aims that religion aimed to protect were determined by the method of istikra and after that they played an important role in producing fiqh solutions. Although the hifzu'n-nafs, that is, the protection of life, which is considered within the scope of the obligatory purposes to be protected in the maqasid, has been the subject of many studies due to the widespread discussion of current medical issues in terms of Islamic law, researching the development process of this concept as a basic principle independently has remained incomplete. Based on the readings made in classical fiqh works, we see that a comprehensive definition has not yet been made about this important concept. At this point, perhaps it will be necessary to carry out separate studies across sects (Madhabs) and to present different definition proposals by considering the sectarian views of the concept of hifzu'n-nafs. Our aim in this study will be to investigate the principle of protection of life based on the Hanafi sect in the conceptual framework, to determine the place this principle has acquired in fiqh issues, to clarify its relationship with similar terms and concepts, and finally to try to draw the framework of the principle of protection of life in the Hanafi sect. In the first part of our thesis, which consists of two main parts, we will evaluate the theory of maqasid, in which the concept of hifzu'n-nafs has taken place and hifzu'n nefs within this theory; in the second part, we will try to reach a suitable definition by evaluating this concept and other concepts that meet the protection of life in classical Hanafi fiqh within the framework of fiqh issues Islamic Law considers some aims and basic principles that religion aims to protect while solving the problems that people encounter both individually and socially. Ijtihad, which is the most obvious method of making shari'a judgments in fiqh, cannot be considered apart from the purposes of sharia. The mujtahids who have carried out this activity have taken into account certain aims in the method they have acquired in legal practices since the early periods of Islam, and they have given importance to realizing the interests of the people and above that the aims of the sharia. In this field, which entered the literature as Makâsıdu'sh-Sheria in Islamic law, the aims that religion aimed to protect were determined by the method of istikra and after that they played an important role in producing fiqh solutions. Although the hifzu'n-nafs, that is, the protection of life, which is considered within the scope of the obligatory purposes to be protected in the maqasid, has been the subject of many studies due to the widespread discussion of current medical issues in terms of Islamic law, researching the development process of this concept as a basic principle independently has remained incomplete. Based on the readings made in classical fiqh works, we see that a comprehensive definition has not yet been made about this important concept. At this point, perhaps it will be necessary to carry out separate studies across sects (Madhabs) and to present different definition proposals by considering the sectarian views of the concept of hifzu'n-nafs. Our aim in this study will be to investigate the principle of protection of life based on the Hanafi sect in the conceptual framework, to determine the place this principle has acquired in fiqh issues, to clarify its relationship with similar terms and concepts, and finally to try to draw the framework of the principle of protection of life in the Hanafi sect. In the first part of our thesis, which consists of two main parts, we will evaluate the theory of maqasid, in which the concept of hifzu'n-nafs has taken place and hifzu'n nefs within this theory; in the second part, we will try to reach a suitable definition by evaluating this concept and other concepts that meet the protection of life in classical Hanafi fiqh within the framework of fiqh issues
dc.format.extent v, 53 yaprak : şekil, tablo ; 30 cm.
dc.language Türkçe
dc.language.iso tur
dc.publisher Sakarya Üniversitesi
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
dc.rights.uri info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject İslam Hukuku,
dc.subject Hanefî Mezhebi,
dc.subject Canın Korunması,
dc.subject İsmetü’n-nefs,
dc.title Hanefi fıkıh geleneğinde bir kavram olarak canın korunması = The protection of life as a concept in Hanafi fiqh tradition
dc.type masterThesis
dc.contributor.department Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Temel İslam Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı,
dc.contributor.author Sarıtemur, Emine
dc.relation.publicationcategory TEZ

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