ÖZET Anahtar Kelimeler: Elektron donor akseptör kompleksleri, 9-Substitüye antrasenler, TCNQ Bu çalışmanın amacı antrasen halkası üzerinde substitüye grupların charge transfer komplekslerini nasıl etkilediğini incelemektir. Elektron akseptör olan TCNQ ( 7,7,8,8-Tetrasiyanokinondimetan) ile elektron donorlar olan Antrasen ve 9- substitüye antrasenlerin Elektron donor akseptör kompleksleri spektrofotometrik yöntem ile incelendi. Komplekslerin stekiyometrileri Jop yöntemi ile hesaplandı. Komplekslerin denge sabitleri Benesi-Hildebrand denklemi ile hesaplandı. Komplekslerin termodinamik sabitleri Van't Hoff denklemi ile hesaplandı. Antrasen-TCNQ kompleksi 760 nm de maksimum absorpsiyon verdi. Kompleksin stekiyometrisi 1:1 dir. Kompleksinin denge sabiti 1,69 l.mol -1. Kompleksinin termodinamik sabitleri AH : -9,287 kcal.mol"1 ve AS : -7,824 caLK^.mol"1 dir. 9-Bromantrasen-TCNQ kompleksi 744 nm de maksimum absorpsiyon verdi. Kompleksin stekiyometrisi 1:1 dir. Kompleksinin denge sabiti 1,31 l.mol _1. Kompleksinin termodinamik sabitleri AH : -18,427 kcaLmol"1 ve AS : -11,042 cal. K^.mol"1 dir. 9-Metilantrasen-TCNQ kompleksi 755 nm de maksimum absorpsiyon verdi. Kompleksin stekiyometrisi 1:1 dir. Kompleksinin denge sabiti 3,14 Lrnol _1. Kompleksinin termodinamik sabitleri AH : -23,304 kcal.mol"1 ve AS : -13,510 cal. K-'.mol"1 dir. 9-Fenilantrasen-TCNQ kompleksi 757 nm de maksimum absorpsiyon verdi. Kompleksin stekiyometrisi 1:1 dir. Kompleksinin denge sabiti 4,21 Lmol _1. Kompleksinin termodinamik sabitleri AH : -28,177 kcal.mol"1 ve AS : -15,543 cal. K-Vmol"1 dir. xı
EDA COMPLEXES OF 9-SUBSTITUTED ANTHRACENES WITH TCNQ SUMMARY Key words : Electron donor acceptor complexes, 9-Substituted Anthracenes, TCNQ The purpose of this study is to examine how to affect the charge transfer complexes of substitued groups on the anthracene ring. Electron donor acceptor complexes of anthracene and 9-Substituted anthracenes as electron donors with TCNQ ( 7,7,8,8- Tetracyanoquinodimethane) as a electron acceptor have been examined by spectrophotometric method. Stoıchıometnes of the complexes were calculated by Jop's method. Equilibrium contstants of the complexes were calculated by Benesi- Hildebrand equation. Thermodynamic contstants of the complexes were calculated by Van't Hoff equation. EDA complex of Anthracene-TCNQ gave a maxsimum absorption at 760 nm. Stoıchıometry of complex is 1:1. Equilibrium contstant of complexe is 1,69 Lmole"1. Thermodynamic contstants are AH : -9,287 kcal. mole"1 and AS : -7,824cal.K"1. mole"1. EDA complex of 9-Bromoanthracene-TCNQ gave a maxsimum absorption at 744 nm. Stoıchıometry of complex is 1:1. Equilibrium contstant of complex is 1,31 Lmole^.Thermodynamic contstants are AH : -18,427 kcal.mofe"1 and AS : -11,042 caLK"1. mole"1. EDA complex of 9-Methylanthracene-TCNQ gave a maxsimum absorption at 755 nm. Stoıchıometry of complex is 1:1. Equilibrium contstant of complex is 3,14 Lmole"1. Thermodynamic contstants are AH : 23,304 kcal. mole"1 and AS : -13,510 caLK"1. mole"1. EDA complex of 9- Pyhenilanthracene-TCNQ gave a maxsimum absorption at 757 nm. Stoıchıometry of complex is 1:1. Equilibrium contstant of complex is 4,21 Lmole"1. Thermodynamic contstants are AH : -28,177 kcal. mole"1 and AS : -15,543 caLK"1. mole"1. Xll