Pek çok yönetim uygulaması gibi mentorluk da kendisini değişen şartlara göre yeniden düzenlemektedir. Tersine mentorluk, bilişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesi, çalışma koşullarının farklılaşması, iş hayatına giren yeni kuşakların önceki kuşaklardan farklı beklentilere sahip olması gibi sebeplerle yeni bir mentorluk anlayışı olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada tersine mentorluğa ilişkin izler taşıdığı düşünülen ve 2015 yılında gösterime girmiş olan The Intern (Stajyer) filmi incelenmiştir. Filmin başrolleri arasındaki ilişki tersine mentorluk işlev ve alt işlevleri bağlamında ele alınmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemleri benimsenerek yürütülen çalışmada analiz tekniği olarak betimsel analiz tercih edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz ile birlikte; bilgi paylaşımı, açığa çıkarma ve görünürlük, meydan okuma ve zorluklar, sosyal ağlar, kabul ve onaylama, arkadaşlık, cesaretlendirme ve rol model alt işlevlerinin filmde işlendiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Koçluk, yetenek gelişimi ile destek ve geribildirim alt işlevlerinin ise filmde yer almadığı görülmüştür.
Like many management practices, mentoring reorganizes itself according to changing circumstances. Reverse mentoring has emerged as a new mentoring mentality due to the development of information technologies, differentiation of working conditions and the fact that new generations entering the business life have different expectations from previous generations. The Intern (The Intern) as a movie which was thought to have traces of reverse mentoring and was released in 2015, was examined in the study. The relationship between the starring characters of the film is discussed in the context of reverse mentoring functions and sub-functions. Qualitative research methods were adopted and descriptive analysis was used as the analysis technique. With the analysis functions of knowledge sharing, exposure and visibility, challenging ideas, social networks, acceptance and confirmation, friendship, affirmation and encouragement and role model have been concluded in the film. Coaching, support and feedback with skill development functions were not included in the film._x000D_
Like many management practices, mentoring reorganizes itself according to changing circumstances. Reverse mentoring has emerged as a new mentoring mentality due to the development of information technologies, differentiation of working conditions and the fact that new generations entering the business life have different expectations from previous generations. The Intern (The Intern) as a movie which was thought to have traces of reverse mentoring and was released in 2015, was examined in the study. The relationship between the starring characters of the film is discussed in the context of reverse mentoring functions and sub-functions. Qualitative research methods were adopted and descriptive analysis was used as the analysis technique. With the analysis functions of knowledge sharing, exposure and visibility, challenging ideas, social networks, acceptance and confirmation, friendship, affirmation and encouragement and role model have been concluded in the film. Coaching, support and feedback with skill development functions were not included in the film._x000D_