Verjuice is an unfermented green grape juice obtained by pressing green grapes. It has a unique flavor and sour taste. In the present study, parameters on the quality properties of verjuice made from Kabarcik and Yediveren grape varieties were studied; turbidity of fresh verjuice samples were 57.3 and 59.57 (625 nm % T), respectively. Phenolic matter contents ranged between 626.27 and 753.80 (mg/100 mL). In the samples treated with heat, clarified with gelatin and stored at 4C, the turbidity values were 81.20 and 93.10 (625 % T), and the total phenolic matter contents were 270.21 and 227.48 mg/100 mL in Kabarcik and Yediveren varieties, respectively. In addition, according to sensory evaluation, verjuice samples clarified with gelatin were preferred most by the panelists.