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Seyyid Muradi- Muhabbetname (1)
Sivil itaatsizlik (1)
Siyaset (1)
Siyasi partiler (1)
Sociology solved problems of Europen Communuties. Sociolgy has payed attention to our clears. Our clears have been taught that sociology could solve Ottomon Empire problems. We have two sociologies at the real mean who called Prens Sabahattin and Ziya Gökalp. In this study; The effects that in Turkish thoughts of Prens Sabahattin' s and Ziya Gökalp 's thoughts is explanied Prens Sabahattin and Ziya Gökalp have been studied about tehese problems. First, how can we save our community from this crisis season? Other, how can we return back to strongly season? They represented different ways. Basic aim of them was saving Ottomon Empire. Both of them have been studied about problems of Turk Communinty, wiht different ways. Prens Sabahattin' s and Ziya Gökalp 's thoughts are compared. There are not many details in this study. Searching bibliography is studied. Poems of Ziya Gökalp and thoughts of Ziya Gökalp that in terested in Türkçülük, are not searched in this study. In my opinion, firstly we should learn problems of community, later we should appraise to Prens Sabahattin and Ziya Gökalp. The most important deficiency of this study, deficiency of bibliography about Prens Sabahattin. (1)
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Sosyalleşme (1)
Spor yöneticileri (1)
Sport management is a new business interest growing rapidly in Turkey and all over the world. Scientific motivation is an important factor in the area of development of sport management. In this thesis different questions which have been based on Minnesote Satisfaction Criteria have been asked sport manegers in Sakarya. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 points have been assigned to each of the alternatives of every question. Points have been increaced relatively due to the number of attendees which are counted as 80 in this study. SPSS statistical program has been used and frequency analysis has been implemented. As a result the highest satisfaction has been observed in the area of profession and the lowest satisfaction has been observed in the area of salary. Working conditions and problems related to management have been observed moderate satisfaction. Meeting of sport manager's needs and demands related to the job will increase his motivation. Therefore productivity of manager will also increased. (1)
Sıçrama (1)