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Halk eğitimi (1)
Halkla ilişkiler (1)
Haris el-Muhasibi (1)
Hayatü’l-hayevan - Tercüme (1)
Hayvan (1)
Hazine-i Evrak - Tahlil (1)
I want to write Kazak Turk's history in my academic thesis since first half of 20. century. I have to worked from sources. From all sources I want to make a scientific work. The subject of my thesis at Kazak history at the other part of Kazak's political and cultural details in first stage from 20. century of first half to 20. century as surfaces as than I mentioned. I must read a magazine of Germanies in Munih cities Soviet Unions Learn Institute's, because I can't find information books at Turkey. I want to tell suffers at start czardom to render of Russian's. I want to tell Kazak Turk's to suffers from Russian's domination (1)
In order to maintain their existence, companies have to predict environmental changes and gain advantages in such a competative environment. The chance of being successful in a continuously changing environment is reduced if a firm neglects its strategic duties. Strategic Management is a medium for companies to strengthen their existence or, at least, to prevent their effectiveness. Strategic Management process is not necessary for only larger firms. If an eterprise must determine its direction, it has to be interested in strategy regardless of its size. However, although a lot of small enterprises face with strategic issues and options, they are not aware of this situation or they do not deal with these proplems systematically. We can see with a closer look that even in a small shop or workplace Strategic Management can be used. Hence, in this study it is attempted to explain Strategic Management process in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises(SMEs) and determine whether or not this process is applied. In addition the results of the survey that we conducted in SMEs in SAKARYA are evaluated. (1)
In Social Science Literature, to become a superior power on politics for the army forces is called pretorionism. It is a great problem for the coiitries in whkfe their democracies are not well established. In those cöhtries, where political establishments have no proper rights and there is no aggreement between political application and judiciary mechanism, army appears to be an effective force. Even though Turkey has different historical and social background there where some military takeovers during the last decades. To be come an effective force on politics for the military forces in Turkey is due to either direct action (military takeover) or sometimes indirectly through providiup directions. Even though the reasons for the Turkish military to tisrupt politics rely upon different basis in time it carries a continuity. That is, to provide a firm central civil- military establishment and to keep the active mechanisms of community under control. Military coups and interventions has increased the influence of military on the funetions of the State. Vorious anti-democratic funetions have been assigned to all legislation, adminishatide and law. This effect on the political system is not limited to those periods in which the military was in control, this influence has been legalized through modifications in legislation, particularly in the constitution. The chief reasons for the Turkish military to have such a big influence or politics rely indeed upon those that the civil organisations do not go beyond the official limits and the law-makers are, in general, military or militarised people. This is a sign that the democracy is not established thoroughly yet in Turkey. VI (1)
İcmali Mana (1)