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The aim of this research is to investigate the social problems of pre-school children and whether they benefit from attendance at nursery school in terms of their social interaction. Becoming a social being in a process of social harmony, cultur is the heritage of past societies that should pass it onto future generations. Development into a social being consist of three elements: teaching, learnin and acceptance. The pre-school period in a very important time when the children learn fast, remember everything they are thought without question. In this research i have made use of questionaries completed by first year primary school pupils, some of them heve attended nursery school and some did not. The nursery school is the first influence outside the home on the learning of culture and social interaction. I studied the related literatures, prepared the questionary, then analysed the results, comparing by percentages the answer given by those pupils who attended nursery school and those who did not. The results are shown in table form. I have compared the level of sociability of those children who attended nursery school and those who did not. Analysis of the results shown that nursery school education provides social benefits. (1)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of nasal strip on the aerobic capacity (max VO2 ) and endurance performance time. In this study, 20 male (10 trained, 10 untrained) and 20 female (10 trained, 10 untrained) volunteer aged 17-21 were used as subjects. The subjects were tested by using 12 minute Cooper test with and without nasal strip (Sport Strips, CORBETT LAİR Inc., Portland, USA) in randomized order. There was one week break between two tests. The max VO2 of the subjects was estimated from their 12 minute run performance by using Balke formüle. Paired-t test was used to analyse the data. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. The 12 minute run performance time and the value of max VO2 for both trained (male and female) and untrained (male and female) obtained by using nasal strip were significantly higher than those of obtained without nasal strip (p < 0.05). According to these results, the nasal strip provided improvement in endurance performance time and max VO2 capacity. Moreover, subjects indicated subjectively that they could breathe much easily with nasal strip. Key Words: Nasal strip, max VO2 capacity, endurance performance. (1)
THE ROLE AND PROGRESS OF WOMAN İN THE POLÎTİCAL LİFE OF AZERBAIJAN KEYWORDS: Azerbaijani people, women, political life, political parties During the 17 and 18 centuries women had started to take active role in politics in Western Europe, 19 and 20 centuries have brought about that became widespread practices all over the world. While local practices have taken place during the earlier period, they now get support of international organizations. Political rights for women in Azerbaijan has stemmed from the decisions that had been taken during first Russian Muslim Congress by Müsavat (Equality) Party which had rules and requlations ornamented by Islamic Motif. After occupation of Azerbaijan by Red Army in 1920, propartion of women representatives in parliament has not been allowed to decrease to less than other parliaments in the world, sometimes it has been forced to have at least 40 percent women in parliament. During that time Azerbaijani women have shawed their logality to by partipicating effectively in the Communist regime Party. In the first independence period, first National Assembly had had only one women representative and than with the request of President this had been risen to three women representatives at the same period. Today in the National Assembly there are 15 women representatives out of 125. Almost todays women politicins used to be member of Communist Party and represented its ideology. (1)
This book named, "Abdullah b. ez-Zubeyr and His Hadith Narratives" mainly has been become two main sections. In the first section, the life of Abdullah b. ez-Zubeyr, in the second section, his narratives were examined. In the First Chapter, under the title of 'The Life of Abdullah b. ez-Zubeyr, the ancestry of Abdullah b. ez-Zubeyr, his childhood, his activities before his caliphate, his caliphate, his death general views on his caliphate, and his character were examined. His exclusiveness had been seen in his activities before his caliphate. Under the title of "his caliphate", firstly, we were told about the factors that impulsed him to run for the caliphate, and then his invitation for obeying him was told. Besides these; the important events happened during his caliphate with the attention to the position of Abdullah b. ez-Zubeyr were. Under this title, his fights with liar prophet Muhtar, Kharijite and Haccac and the murder of his brother Mus'ab b. ez-Zubeyr who was the main supporter of him and the effect of the death of his brother for the end of caliphate of Abdullah b. ez-Zubeyr were mentioned. It was tried to clarify the social structure of the society of the period by telling the 'death part' step by step. In the part of "the Character;" we were mentioned people' opinions about his sample character. In the part his character and his scientific exclusivity in his time. In the second section, we were tried to examine the hadithian situation of Abdullah. In this sense, the names of his hadith teacher, and his students were given. And also, the merfu' narratives of Abdullah which are classified according to their subjects and which are purified from the repeats by taking Kutub'u Tis'a as a reference were given. At the end of the section, the transition of narratives of Abdullah to the source books was shoown as a scheme. KEYWORDS: Şahaba (companions of the prophet Muhammad), Abdullah b. ez- Zubeyr, Caliphate, the Blockade of Kabe, Narrative, History of Hadith. (1)
This study focuses on the services of public relations in local government. This is studied in two chapters, covering its importance, tools, structure and problems. The first chapter covers the differences and similarities between various definitions of public relations and terms of advertisement, propaganda and publicity, Public relations has a continuous and organized administrative function. Its process is bi-directional and Straight forward. Together with these features, it differs from above concepts Furthermore, content and qualities of public relations, its objectives and tools utilized for reaching a high achievement are explained in summary. It also contains the historical evolution of the public relations in the world and its significance today. The second chapter, Turkish governments has taken some sensible maisures after they had met some problems in relations between the state and the citizens by the reasons of the development of multi-party regime, of the rapid urbanization and of the growing complexity of government organizations. It has been seen that decreasing red-tape and providing political neutrality in public administration has been two specific areas in the government programs, development plans and annual programs. In general, it has been accepted that the problems occurred in the public relations services in Turkish public administration has been reflected to the municipalities. In order for these measures prove to be successful, two important points need to be reiterated; that the public servants are convinced to carry the belief that services to the citizens is their main raison d'etre, and that the citizens should be conscious of pushing the local and central governments for more participation and openness given that they already arc equipped with their basic rights and responsibilities. VJH (1)
Title of the MA Thesis: Analysis of the Book of "Şuabıı 7 îman " Written by Beyhakî From Theological Perspective. In the first chapter, we examined the life, books, teachers and academic achievements of Beyhakî in the context of religious studies. In the second chapter, traditions of the branches of faith are given. Islamic scholars who wrote concerning the branches the Prophed Muhammed on of faith before and after Beyhakî were also introduced mereover, the description of seventy seven branches of faih in terms of Beyhakî was explained. İn the third chapter, under the title of Aralysis of Şuabü'1-ıman in terms of theolgy, we elucidicated belief to angels, sacred Books, destiny. life after death and the isues of faith. The same chapter also deals with the follewing topics: theological issues, the proof of the existence of god, prophedhood, the signs of prophedhood, the place of miraclens in prophedhood.Moreove, it concern whit miracles from prophets. Mose, David, Jesus and Muhammad in the Qur'an and the other religious sources. In this section, faith and its definition, sources, qualitiy, decrease and increase in faith, exception in faith, faith of sceptical person were evaluation of topics of Şuabü'1-iman written by Beyhakî. This thesis comes into end with an overall evalmation of topics of Şuabü'1-îman written by Beyhakî. (1)
Toplam kalite yönetimi (1)
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