Günümüz işletmeleri, verimliliklerini arttırmak ve maliyetleri azaltmak için karmaşık ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning - Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama) sistemlerine giderek daha fazla bağımlı hale gelmektedirler. Başarılı rekabet için kaynakların etkin bir şekilde yönetilmesi gerekmektedir bu nedenle tüm süreçlerin tamamen entegre olduğu, planlamadan satışa, sevkiyattan maliyeye kadar her aşamanın kontrol edilebildiği sağlam bir bilgi altyapısına ihtiyaç vardır. ERP, müşteri ilişkilerinden üretim planlamasına kadar her aşamada kaynakların en etkin şekilde izlenmesine ve bu doğrultuda kararların alınmasına yardımcı olan bir sistem olarak öne çıkar. Bu sistemler, tedarik zinciri yönetimi, finans, üretim ve diğer işletme süreçlerini entegre ederek şirketlerin verimliliklerini artırmak için kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Ancak, ERP sistemlerinin etkinliği doğrudan tedarik zinciri yönetimi süreçlerine ve özellikle de stok kontrolüne bağlıdır. Bu tez, tüketim bazlı stok kontrol parametrelerinin en az maliyet ile belirlenmesi üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Tüketim bazlı stok kontrolü, geçmiş tüketim verilerini kullanarak gelecekteki stok gereksinimlerini tahmin etme ve buna göre stok seviyelerini optimize etme yöntemidir. Bu tez, bu parametrelerin belirlenmesi için kullanılan stok kontrol benzetimi ile girilen parametrelere uygun tüm senaryoları incelemekte ve işletmelere en uygun olan parametrelerin belirlenmesinde yardımcı olmaktadır. Tez, öncelikle tüketim bazlı stok kontrolünün teorik temellerini ele almaktadır. Ardından, farklı işletmelerde stok kontrolü için kullanılan farklı yöntemler incelenmektedir. Her bir yöntemin avantajları, dezavantajları ve uygulama alanları detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır. Daha sonra, ERP sistemine entegre tüketim bazlı stok kontrol parametrelerinin belirlenmesi için bir simülasyon model ve program önerilmektedir. Bu model, işletmenin özel gereksinimlerini dikkate alarak stok kontrol parametrelerini otomatik olarak ayarlayabilir ve optimize edebilir. Model, işletmelere stok yönetiminde daha verimli ve etkili bir yaklaşım sunarak rekabet avantajı sağlayabilir. Son olarak tez, önerilen modelin gerçek bir işletme ortamında uygulanmasını, kodlanmasını, oluşan simülasyonları ve performansının değerlendirilmesini ele almaktadır. Bu değerlendirme, modelin gerçek dünya koşullarında ne kadar etkili olduğunu belirlemek için kapsamlı bir veri analizi ve karşılaştırmayı içermektedir. Bu tez, işletmelerin ERP sistemlerini daha etkin bir şekilde kullanmalarına ve tüketim bazlı stok kontrolü üzerinde daha iyi bir kontrol sağlamalarına yardımcı olmak için önemli bir katkı sunmaktadır.
Today's businesses are increasingly reliant on sophisticated ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems to enhance operational efficiency and drive cost reduction. To maintain competitiveness, it is essential to manage resources effectively, necessitating a robust information infrastructure where all processes are seamlessly integrated. This integration spans every stage, from initial planning through sales, shipment, and financial oversight. ERP systems excel in their ability to monitor resources comprehensively and facilitate informed decision-making across various domains, including customer relations and production planning. By integrating supply chain management, finance, production, and other critical business processes, these systems play a pivotal role in optimizing company efficiency. However, the efficacy of ERP systems is particularly contingent upon effective supply chain management processes, with inventory control standing out as a crucial factor. Properly managed inventory ensures that resources are utilized efficiently, costs are minimized, and customer demands are met promptly. Thus, while ERP systems provide substantial benefits, their full potential is realized when integrated with robust inventory management practices within the broader supply chain framework. Inventory control plays a vital role in the success of businesses across various industries by ensuring efficient management of goods and resources. From optimizing cash flow to enhancing customer satisfaction, effective inventory control offers numerous benefits to organizations. Proper inventory control helps businesses minimize holding costs associated with excess stock. By maintaining optimal inventory levels, companies can reduce storage expenses, avoid obsolescence, and optimize cash flow by allocating resources more effectively. Timely and accurate order fulfillment is essential for satisfying customer demand. With efficient inventory control practices, businesses can ensure product availability, minimize stockouts, and deliver orders promptly, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Inventory control is integral to supply chain management, enabling seamless coordination between suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. By optimizing inventory levels and streamlining logistics processes, businesses can reduce lead times, improve production efficiency, and respond swiftly to changes in demand. Effective inventory control provides businesses with better financial visibility and control. By accurately tracking inventory levels, businesses can make informed decisions regarding procurement, production, and pricing, thereby maximizing profitability and minimizing financial risks. Inventory control facilitates demand forecasting and strategic planning. By analyzing historical sales data and market trends, businesses can anticipate future demand patterns, adjust inventory levels accordingly, and align production schedules to meet customer needs more efficiently. Inadequate inventory control can lead to various risks, including stockouts, overstocking, and inventory shrinkage. By implementing robust inventory management processes, businesses can mitigate these risks, minimize operational disruptions, and safeguard against financial losses. Effective inventory control can provide a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace. By offering consistent product availability, faster order processing, and superior customer service, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and attract more customers. Many industries are subject to regulatory requirements governing inventory management, such as traceability, quality control, and safety standards. Proper inventory control ensures compliance with these regulations, mitigating legal and reputational risks for businesses. Inventory management is a crucial aspect of any business operation, ensuring efficient handling of goods and resources. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a significant role in streamlining and optimizing inventory management processes for organizations of all sizes. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the key components and benefits of inventory management within ERP systems. One of the primary advantages of utilizing ERP systems for inventory management is centralized data management. ERP platforms integrate various functions such as procurement, sales, and finance, consolidating data into a single, accessible database. This centralized approach enables real-time tracking of inventory levels, reducing the risk of stockouts or overstocking. ERP systems automate inventory tracking processes, eliminating the need for manual data entry and minimizing human errors. Through barcode scanning, RFID technology, or other automated identification methods, ERP software provides accurate updates on inventory movements, including receipts, shipments, and stock adjustments. Effective inventory management relies on accurate demand forecasting and planning. ERP systems utilize historical sales data, market trends, and predictive analytics to forecast future demand patterns. By anticipating demand fluctuations, businesses can optimize inventory levels, minimize carrying costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. ERP systems offer advanced inventory optimization features to help businesses strike the right balance between inventory investment and customer service levels. Through techniques such as Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) analysis, safety stock optimization, and reorder point planning, organizations can minimize stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and improve cash flow. Integrating inventory management with vendor management and procurement processes is essential for maintaining supply chain efficiency. ERP systems enable seamless communication with suppliers, facilitating automated purchase orders, vendor performance tracking, and inventory replenishment based on predefined reorder parameters. For businesses operating across multiple locations or warehouses, ERP systems provide centralized control over multi-location inventory management. Through inventory transfer functionalities and warehouse management features, organizations can optimize stock levels across different facilities, minimize shipping costs, and improve order fulfillment efficiency. Compliance with regulatory requirements such as traceability, quality control, and safety standards is paramount in inventory management. ERP systems offer built-in compliance features and reporting capabilities, ensuring adherence to industry regulations and facilitating audit trails for inventory-related activities. ERP systems offer real-time analytics and performance monitoring dashboards, providing insights into inventory turnover rates, stock accuracy, and inventory-related costs. By analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs), businesses can identify areas for improvement, implement corrective actions, and enhance overall inventory management efficiency. In conclusion, integrating inventory management within ERP systems offers numerous benefits, including centralized data management, automated tracking, demand forecasting, optimization, and compliance. By leveraging the capabilities of ERP software, businesses can streamline operations, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic market environment. Once the stock control method has been established, the next crucial step is identifying the optimal stock control variables that prioritize high customer service levels while minimizing stock costs. Simulation emerges as a highly effective method in this context, proven to yield successful outcomes. Simulation involves assessing how system performance varies based on numerous variables and changing environmental conditions. Simulation offers significant advantages. It allows for detailed analysis of system behavior and facilitates the evaluation of different operational strategies within stock control policies. By employing objective functions that consider parameters such as stock turnover rate, customer service level, and average cost, the ideal order quantity and review periods can be determined. Managers leveraging simulation can compare and analyze diverse scenarios, selecting strategies that yield the most favorable outcomes while saving substantial time and costs. Moreover, simulation stands capable of independently addressing complex problems. It's important to note that simulation not only provides a clear description of the problem but also enables numerical evaluation of alternative solutions. Therefore, integrating simulation with optimization techniques to determine appropriate parameters within stock control methods represents a pragmatic and widely recognized approach. This thesis focuses on determining consumption-based stock control parameters with minimum cost. Consumption-based stock control is a method of predicting future stock requirements using historical consumption data and optimizing stock levels accordingly. This thesis examines all scenarios suitable for the parameters entered through the stock control simulation used to determine these parameters and helps businesses determine the most suitable parameters. The thesis primarily addresses the theoretical foundations of consumption-based inventory control. Then, different methods used for inventory control in different businesses are examined. The advantages, disadvantages and application areas of each method are discussed in detail. Then, a simulation model and program is proposed to determine consumption-based stock control parameters integrated into the ERP system. This model can automatically adjust and optimize stock control parameters, taking into account the specific requirements of the business. The model can provide businesses with a competitive advantage by offering a more efficient and effective approach to inventory management. Inventory control is essential for businesses to optimize costs, enhance customer satisfaction, streamline supply chain operations, improve financial management, mitigate risks, gain a competitive edge, and ensure regulatory compliance. By prioritizing effective inventory management practices, businesses can achieve operational excellence and sustain long-term success in today's dynamic business environment. Reduced Risk of Stockouts and Overstocking is a significant advantage of properly defined inventory control parameters. By setting reorder points and safety stock levels based on demand variability and lead times, businesses can ensure adequate stock availability while avoiding excess inventory holding costs and potential obsolescence. Streamlined Replenishment Processes are realized through determining inventory control parameters. By automating reorder triggers and order generation based on predefined parameters, businesses can improve operational efficiency, reduce errors, and minimize the time and resources required for inventory management. Increased Profitability is the ultimate outcome of establishing inventory control parameters. By optimizing inventory levels, minimizing holding costs, improving customer service, and enhancing supply chain efficiency, companies can achieve higher sales, lower operating expenses, and improved financial performance. Through a thorough analysis of inventory data, demand forecasts, and supply chain dynamics, businesses can accurately define these parameters to align with their specific needs and objectives. By leveraging the capabilities of ERP systems, companies can automate inventory control processes, streamline replenishment activities, and minimize the risk of stockouts or overstocking. The benefits of determining inventory control parameters are numerous. It enables businesses to maintain optimal inventory levels, reduce holding costs, improve customer service, enhance supply chain efficiency, and increase profitability. Establishing and executing precise inventory management policies and parameters enables businesses to enhance operational efficiency and attain a competitive edge. Additionally, it facilitates better demand forecasting, reduces operational risks, and streamlines inventory replenishment processes. Moving forward, it is essential for businesses to continuously evaluate and adjust their inventory control parameters in response to changing market conditions, customer demands, and supply chain dynamics. By adopting a proactive approach to inventory management and leveraging the capabilities of ERP systems, businesses can achieve operational excellence and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic business environment. With the parameters determined in the study, businesses are expected to increase customer satisfaction by achieving lower inventory costs compared to their competitors in their market conditions. Finally, as our focus lies in optimizing the inventory system, it is crucial to define the criteria for optimization or performance. The predominant criterion utilized in nearly all inventory models is minimizing costs. While an alternative criterion could be maximizing profits, in practice, cost minimization and profit maximization are often considered equivalent for most inventory control challenges. The thesis discusses the implementation of the proposed model in a real business environment, coding, simulations and evaluation of its performance. This evaluation includes extensive data analysis and comparison to determine how effective the model is in real-world conditions. This study focuses on simulating the "continuous observation and delayed response stock control" model, which represents an approach to stock management and inventory control. This simulation methodology aims to enhance the efficiency of managing a business's stock levels by determining optimal stock quantities. The primary objective of this model is twofold: first, to ascertain the optimal timing for replenishing stocks, ensuring products are available when needed; and second, to calculate the optimal order quantities to minimize storage costs while meeting demand effectively. In contemporary business operations, effective stock control is crucial for maintaining smooth operations and satisfying customer demands promptly. By employing simulation techniques, this study seeks to provide insights into how businesses can improve their stock management strategies. These insights include balancing inventory levels to avoid overstocking or understocking, thus optimizing both operational efficiency and financial performance. Furthermore, integrating advanced simulation models into stock control practices offers businesses a competitive edge by enabling proactive decision-making based on real-time data and predictive analytics. This approach not only enhances inventory management but also contributes to overall business agility and resilience in dynamic market environments. In conclusion, by leveraging simulation to refine stock control strategies, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and responsiveness, ultimately positioning themselves for sustainable growth and competitiveness in their respective industries. This thesis makes an important contribution to helping businesses use ERP systems more effectively and gain better control over consumption-based inventory control.