Açık Akademik Arşiv Sistemi

Can the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) have a role in the diagnosis of coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19)?

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dc.rights.license DOAJ Gold
dc.date.accessioned 2021-06-03T08:20:17Z
dc.date.available 2021-06-03T08:20:17Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.uri www.doi.org/10.1590/1806-9282.66.6.746
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12619/95122
dc.description Bu yayın 06.11.1981 tarihli ve 17506 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu’nun 4/c, 12/c, 42/c ve 42/d maddelerine dayalı 12/12/2019 tarih, 543 sayılı ve 05 numaralı Üniversite Senato Kararı ile hazırlanan Sakarya Üniversitesi Açık Bilim ve Açık Akademik Arşiv Yönergesi gereğince açık akademik arşiv sistemine açık erişim olarak yüklenmiştir.
dc.description.abstract OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to investigate the role of neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), an inflammation marker, complete blood count, and biochemical parameters in the diagnosis of COVID-19. METHODS: A total of 80 patients who had been hospitalized in the internal medicine clinic were enrolled in the study. The cases were allocated into two groups, i.e., COVID (+) and (-), based on real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The demographic, clinical, and laboratory [NLR, platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR), complete blood count, biochemistry, and serology] data of the patients were retrospectively obtained from the hospital data management system. RESULTS: NLR and fever levels were found to be higher in COVID-19 (+) cases (P=0.021, P=0.001, respectively). There was no difference between males and females with regard to COVID-19 positivity (P=0.527). Total bilirubin levels were found to be lower in COVID-19 (+) cases (P=0.040). When the ROC analysis was carried out for NLR in COVID-19 (+) cases, the AUC value was found to be 0.660 (P=0.021), sensitivity as 69.01 %, specificity as 65.40 %, LR+: 1.98 and LR- : 0.48, PPV: 80.43, and NPV: 50.00, when the NLR was >= 2.4. The risk of COVID-19 was found to be 20.3-fold greater when NLR was >= 2.4 in the logistic regression (P=0.007). CONCLUSION: NLR is an independent predictor for the diagnosis of COVID-19. We also found that fever and total bilirubin measurements could be useful for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in this population.
dc.language English
dc.language.iso İngilizce
dc.relation.isversionof 10.1590/1806-9282.66.6.746
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject PNEUMONIA
dc.subject Coronavirus Infections
dc.subject Coronavirus
dc.subject Fever
dc.subject Lymphocytes
dc.subject Neutrophils
dc.title Can the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) have a role in the diagnosis of coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19)?
dc.type Article
dc.contributor.authorID Kaya, Tezcan/0000-0003-0483-2333
dc.contributor.authorID YAYLACI, SELCUK/0000-0002-6768-7973
dc.contributor.authorID Varim, Ceyhun/0000-0002-8369-0857
dc.identifier.volume 66
dc.identifier.startpage 746
dc.identifier.endpage 751
dc.identifier.issue 6
dc.identifier.wos WOS:000551893100010
dc.identifier.doi 10.1590/1806-9282.66.6.746
dc.identifier.eissn 1806-9282
dc.contributor.author Nalbant, Ahmet
dc.contributor.author Kaya, Tezcan
dc.contributor.author Varim, Ceyhun
dc.contributor.author Yaylaci, Selcuk
dc.contributor.author Tamer, Ali
dc.contributor.author Cinemre, Hakan
dc.relation.publicationcategory Makale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı
dc.identifier.pmıd 32696861

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