Korunmaya muhtaç çocuğun her alanda sağlıklı gelişimi için en iyi bakırnın öz aile yanında yapılan bakım olduğu pek çok çalışma ile ortaya konmaktadır. Ancak çocuğun ailesinin yanında sağlıklı gelişiminin mümkün olmadığı durumlar yaşanabilmektedir. çocuğun öz ailesi yanında kalmasının sorun oluşturacağı durumlarda devlet koruması söz konusu olmaktadır. Korunmaya muhtaç çocuk için devlet farklı bakım hizmetleri sunmaktadır. Bu bakım hizmetlerinden birini oluşturan Koruyucu Aile Hizmeti, çeşitli sebeplerle öz ailesi yanında bakılamayan ve evlat edindirme hizmetinden yararlanamayan korunmaya muhtaç çocuğun bakım ve korunmasının, devlet denetimi altında, uzun veya kısa süreliğine, ebeveyn rolü üstlenen kişi veya aile tarafindan yerine getirildiği bir hizmet türüdür. Koruyucu Aile Yönetmeliği ile düzenlenen hizmetle, çocuğun sorunlu döneminin en az zararla ve normal hayatını olağan biçimde geçirmesini sağlamak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, koruyucu aile hizmetinden yararlanan koruyucu ailelerin yaşadıkları sorunları tespit etmek ve öneriler sunmaktır. Bu kapsamda derinlemesine bilgi edinmeyi mümkün kılan nitel araştırma yöntemi tercih edilerek, Denizli ilinde yaşayan 35 koruyucu aile ile görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler, içeriz analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda koruyucu aile hizmetinden yararlanan ailelerin, bürokratik, toplumsal, sosyal yardım ve sosyal hizmete yönelik sorunlar yaşadıkları bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır.
Many studies have demonstrated that the best care for healthy development of the ehild in need of protection_x000D_
in every field is the care taken by his own family. However, it is possible that healthy development of ehild is_x000D_
not possible besides their families. In eases where it is a problem for the ehild to stay with his / her own family,_x000D_
there is state protection. The state provides different care serviees for the ehild in need of protection. The Foster_x000D_
Family Service, whieh eonstitutes one of these care services, is a type of service in whieh the care and protection_x000D_
of a ehild in need of proteetion, who cannot be eared for and who cannot benefit from the adoption service for_x000D_
various reasons, is earried out by the person or family who takes the role of a parent under state controlfor a_x000D_
long or short term. With the service organized by the Foster Family Regulation, it is aimed to ensure that the_x000D_
ehild's problematic period is spent with the least harm and normallife. The purpose of this study is to identify_x000D_
the problems experieneed by foster families benefiting from foster family service and to provide suggestions._x000D_
In this context, qualitative researeh method, whieh makes it possible to obtain in-depth information, was_x000D_
preferred and interviews were eondueted with 35 foster families living in Denizli. The data obtained from the_x000D_
interviews were evaluated by eontent analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that families benefiting_x000D_
fromfoster family service experience bureaucratic, social, social assistanee and social service problems.
Many studies have demonstrated that the best care for healthy development of the ehild in need of protection in every field is the care taken by his own family. However, it is possible that healthy development of ehild is not possible besides their families. In eases where it is a problem for the ehild to stay with his / her own family, there is state protection. The state provides different care serviees for the ehild in need of protection. The Foster Family Service, whieh eonstitutes one of these care services, is a type of service in whieh the care and protection of a ehild in need of proteetion, who cannot be eared for and who cannot benefit from the adoption service for various reasons, is earried out by the person or family who takes the role of a parent under state controlfor a long or short term. With the service organized by the Foster Family Regulation, it is aimed to ensure that the ehild's problematic period is spent with the least harm and normallife. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems experieneed by foster families benefiting from foster family service and to provide suggestions. In this context, qualitative researeh method, whieh makes it possible to obtain in-depth information, was preferred and interviews were eondueted with 35 foster families living in Denizli. The data obtained from the interviews were evaluated by eontent analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that families benefiting fromfoster family service experience bureaucratic, social, social assistanee and social service problems.